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MyoFInDer is a free and open-source software developed as a side-project. As such, it comes “as is” with no warranty of any kind. That being said, its developer will gladly do its best to maintain it and fix any bug brought to his attention, within reasonable limits.

When encountering a problem with MyoFInDer, please first thoroughly read the Installation and Usage sections. If you cannot find information about your problem there, check if it isn’t listed in the Common problems section below. If you still cannot find anything, you can also check the Issues and Discussions pages of the GitHub repository.

If your problem has never been reported before, the best way to report it is to open a new issue on GitHub. Issues are not only intended for bugs, they can also be opened for requesting help or suggesting improvements. Alternatively, you can also start a new discussion on GitHub for chatting with the maintainer in a more informal way. Both of these solutions require you to create a GitHub account. If for some reason you would absolutely refuse to create a GitHub account, you can also email the maintainer, although I would prefer you not to contact me this way.

Common problems

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